Johud Consulting (GGI Jordan)

Audit , Tax  , Financial Advisory

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Johud Services

The accounting services provided by Johud are several services, including:-

Audit: We are certified Public accountant under Audit license (1100),

Accounting Consulting: Johud Company provides accounting consultancy for organizing the flow of accounting data and its routing mechanism

Tax Advisory: Providing tax advice (income and sales Tax) according to the type and activity of the institutions.

Internal Audit :Internal auditing for medium and large companies.

Feasibility studies:Study the financial and economic feasibility of all projects within the international and Jordanian standards.

Training Courses: Providing accounting courses through effort company or in cooperation with auditing companies.

External Audit: Auditing companies' accounts independently to ensure quality and effectiveness. 


Our audit objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and the issuance of our report which includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit has been performed in accordance with International Standards of Auditing will always detect any material misstatement, if any. Errors can arise from fraud or error, and are considered material if, in individual or aggregate, may reasonably influence the economic decisions taken by the users on the basis of these f inancial statements. We will conduct the audit in accordance with international auditing standards. These standards require us to comply ...

Tax advisory

* Our office is characterized by its tax advisory services, through which we provide the following:- Filling out the income and sales tax return based on the information provided by The customer, within the legal period stipulated in the Income Tax Law.- Discussing the income and sales tax return submitted for tax periods with Income tax auditors when requested by the Income and Sales Tax Department.- Studying the expenses, revenues and tax policy of the client and submitting Advisory service about it.- Studying the tax biography of the client in order to form an idea of the method of calculating the amount of the imposed tax on the second party by the Income and Sales Tax Department.

Internal Audit

* We provide the following internal audit service:- Conducting a working visit to clients on a regular basis to follow up the progress of the financial business.- Continuously reviewing your approved organizational hierarchy.- Prepare a descriptive report on the type of your business .- Studying the risk points of the business procedures and the extent to which there are procedures that reduce the possibility of occurrence of errors.- Reviewing the accounting and financial policies adopted by the client and their effectiveness.- Continuous audit of the documentary cycle and work procedures.-